Cristy Burne – Author | Speaker | Science journalist

Blending science and story to inspire change

Curiosity on stage: Thank you Sydney Writers Festival 2024!

I’m so grateful to have been part of this year’s Sydney Writers Festival Family Day – it was an absolute livewire of a festival with so many people, so much enthusiasm and excitement, children everywhere with huge eyes just bugging out at the wonders on display – getting to meet and chat with famous Australian authors, illustrators and book creators like Matt Cosgrove, Eva Amores, Nova Weetman, AJ Betts, Chris Kennett, Aura Parker (fresh from National Simultaneous Storytime where she presented to 2.4 million people!!!), and of course the talented Nathan Luff, who planned the whole event with such kindness and style.

I’m so grateful to you, Sydney, for coming along, ready to party! It’s because of you that events like these can happen, where we celebrate books and stories and creativity and our complicated shared journey of being a human.

I’m so grateful that my session was on the Curiosity Stage – how perfect! I spoke about making mistakes, trying new things, inventing inventions and what we might do if things don’t work out the first time… It was AWESOME to hear the laughs, the cheers, the collective effervescence of a crowd of people coming together to celebrate joy and togetherness and FUN!

I’m so grateful to everyone on the Sydney Writers Festival team and extra kudos to Nathan Luff for coordinating the entire event. Thank you to my publishers Fremantle Press and Larrikin House for all your support and creative brilliance. And shout out and thanks Matt Cosgrove and BusyCityKids for these happy photos from the day.

Author: cristyburne

Blending science and story to inspire change:

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