Cristy Burne – Science, Creativity, Adventure

Are you afraid of the dark? Books to help overcome fear


Climbing Hua Shan in China

Facing your fear in a book is safer than facing it on the mountain 🙂

Monsters under the bed? Ghosts in the hallway? A looming feeling of anxiety or fear?

Two of these things are (probably) fictional. The third is something that many of us, especially children, often deal with.

I am morbidly afraid of falling.

As a kid I would have recurring nightmares: falling out of trees, falling off ledges, falling into pits. As a child, I actually did fall, tumbling from an enormously high slide (the kind they would never allow in modern parks), and breaking my arm.

Falling is just not my thing.

So, I did a skydive.

I didn’t sleep the night before. I nearly lost my lunch in the plane. And the second we jumped, I flailed like a windmill, waving my hands in a wild search for something to hang on to. I did not make the beautiful swan shape you are supposed to, not until my instructor forcibly grabbed my hands. Then, after a few seconds of terror, I realised I quite liked falling from the sky.

I don’t think I’ll skydive again, but if I was ever in some James Bond aeroplane movie and needed to save the day, I know I could.

I think scary books are like that.

Kids who are afraid of something — anything — can face their fears in the pages of a scary book. They can dare themselves to keep reading. To confront a monster, tackle a demon, jump from a plane… and all from the safety of their couch.

This vicarious experiencing is why I love (and write) scary books.

I’m not talking full-blown horror.

I’m talking gentle, spine-tingling, pulse-racing fear. The kind of read that makes your heart beat faster but doesn’t leave you with nightmares. The kind of read that leave kids feeling empowered and braver than before, ready to face their real-world fears thanks to some imaginary foes.

When I presented on this topic recently with Canadian author Mahtab Narsimhan, we showed this video from The Neverending Story. What do you think? Can you see yourself in Bastian? After reading a scary book, do you feel that you too could jump from a plane (or maybe ride a dragon?).

Author: cristyburne

Blending science and story to inspire change:

5 thoughts on “Are you afraid of the dark? Books to help overcome fear

  1. It is really fascinating once you get into it (though I didn’t do myself any favors looking up other examples of it!). It’s funny how there is such a fine line between appreciating Bunraku puppets and fleeing from a silly puppet with a brief appearance in a music video or something!


  2. Thanks Buri-chan! What a fascinating fear! I’d never heard of the uncanny valley before, so am enjoying researching it now. So cool!


  3. As a kid, nothing scared me more than the talking crash test dummies on PSAs–I learned later that a lot of people have trouble with the Uncanny Valley. However, throughout elementary school and middle school, in an effort to get over it, I took a deep interest in the advertising campaign behind the disturbing characters, and in PSAs in general. It was helpful for processing the fear and controlling the impulse to hide whenever a PSA came on, but I think I would have really enjoyed a book about someone facing similar humanlike-yet-not creatures–especially since a book would be more about the emotional experience rather than looking at the images themselves!


  4. What a fabulous and uplifting post! Thanks 🙂

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